Corrosion engineering

The First Line of Defense: Coatings and Linings

The First Line of Defense: Coatings and Linings

One of the largest challenges the nation faces is deteriorating infrastructure. Not only is this a result of old age and natural wear and tear, but also from harsh environments that some of our infrastructure have to exist in. The deteriorating effects of these environments can be delayed and protected against simply by applying a coating or lining system. We will briefly discuss some common harsh environments that water and wastewater infrastructure must be able to survive in and that coatings and lining systems offer the first line of defense in extending and preserving their service life.

Smells Like Money: Quantifying Your Odor & Corrosion Risk

Smells Like Money: Quantifying Your Odor & Corrosion Risk

The olfactory system of a human is fascinating. The olfactory mucous membrane perceives odor, and neurotransmitters carry the message to our brains. In the case of hydrogen sulfide, that foul, notorious, rotten egg odor tells corrosion engineers a great deal of critical information.